Miami Home Value Estimation
Discover how much your Miami home is worth
An agent will contact you within 5-10 minutes and give you an estimate.
Our online home value estimation system is great to get an idea of your property's value, but feel free to contact any of our top Miami agents for a formal valuation of your home.

How Our Home Value Estimation Works
Get your Miami's home valuation instantly.
Enter Your Full Property Address Accurately
Providing an accurate street name, unit number, city, state, and zip code will ensure that you get the most accurate valuation, as the system will use this information to calculate your home property value.
Neighborhood Comparison
Our Properties Miami's home valuation calculator will first assess the value of the neighborhood and block your property is in and then retrieve two median property values, one for the neighborhood and one for the block. After getting the neighborhood's and block's median value, the home valuation tool will retrieve a median value of recently sold properties within 0.3 miles away from your property and match your property details. The system will generate an internal home value estimate for your property from the values obtained. This home value isn't the final value.
Compare Our Results With Other Home Value Estimates
For our system to test accuracy, our home value calculator will execute multiple API requests to multiple online home valuation tools and compare it with the internal home value estimate we saved for your property. If there's a big value difference between our estimate and the other home value estimates, our calculator will reset the process and start with a more strict filter.
Checking the Sales History of Your Property
After getting comparative values and an internal home value number for your property, our system will start checking the real estate appreciation rate in your property's neighborhood. Our home value tool will look for properties sold and re-listed for sale in that same year and calculate the percentage difference to get the neighborhood's appreciation rate.
Checking the Miami Association of Realtors Information
The final process of getting your home value estimate, involves our home value calculator to compare our final home value of your property with the most accurate home valuation tool given to real estate professionals in South Florida, the NARRPR. For many years, real estate agents in South Florida have been using the NARRPR tool to provide a fair house value estimate for clients looking to sell their properties. Our system will compare the NARRPR home value estimate with our estimate, and if there's a significant difference, then it will reset all parameters until it matches a 5-8% difference, and that would be the final home value given by our system.
How to Get a Better Home Valuation
Non-Expensive Renovations Can Increase the Home's Value
A lick of paint can refresh a home beautifully and is less expensive than intensive reconstructions or any other major changes. If possible, simple DIY renovations are typically inexpensive and can significantly increase the value of your home.
Good Quality Pictures
There are plenty of technological options to improve the quality of images today, but that still doesn't beat a professional photographer. Taking photos at the right angles and with optimal lighting can make a big difference in showcasing your home's quality. Impressive images will help get more awareness of your property and potentially increase the valuation of your home in the minds of potential buyers. Better photos can mean a better valuation, but they will always help potential buyers see the best elements of your home.
Thoughtful Touches
The advice that less is more when showcasing your home for sale is true. You need to leave your home open to the interpretation of potential buyers so they can picture themselves living there. So without adding extra items to your home, include thoughtful additions to improve the experience of being in the home. Expanding storage space to be a walk-in closet or breaking a wall down to create a more spacious living area, even adding simple security measures could be great ways of making your home an even more desirable living space.
New Fixtures
If you have a budget for renovation to increase your home's value, renovating with new fixtures can make a wonderful difference. Fully remodeling the kitchen and bathroom, or bathrooms, might be too expensive and time-consuming, but replacing small fixtures can increase the home value of your home. Changing the faucets and showerheads to a more modern or appealing design can make a world of difference in the potential buyer's perceived value of your home.
Adding Environmentally Friendly Features
A home with plenty of natural light is highly sought after for its aesthetic value and because getting the most natural lighting lowers the need for electrical use and the bill for it. The addition of solar power, LED, and energy-saving lights and appliances are appealing for their long-term financial savings and their environmentally friendly supply of energy. Double glazing on windows and other insulation methods that assist in controlling indoor temperatures are also wonderful for reducing energy use. Many additions could be made to a home to encourage environmentally conscious homebuyers to pay much closer attention to your home due to the added value of being more environmentally friendly.
Repair Any Broken Items
Any prominent areas that show a lack of maintenance will lower the overall value of your home as new buyers will have to set aside money to repair any concerning areas. These issues could be simple things that have slipped past your attention over time, but things like dripping taps, loose tiles, peeling paint, and moldy sealant will not help get you a better price for your property. Repair any minor issues so that you can achieve a better home value.